No Skill on display
Discreet pieces in blatant opposition to large, bright, colorful art productions.
To reveal "it" by its absence.
in mo 恁麼 - as it is - suchness
Yūgen 幽玄 - l'esprit du geste
Mono no aware 物の哀れ - art de l'impermanence
"The admirable austerity of the void." - Derek Jarman
Vincent Van Gogh Autoportrait – Arles – 1889
Qui est assez invisible pour te voir?" - Paul Celan in Renverse le Souffle , 1967
"...When living in Japan as a young performer in the early 80s, I befriended Noriaki Yokosuka, a famous photographer from noble descent. in April, the time when people gather under the cherry trees for the blossom and the fall of the petals, he told me: in my family, we don't go to the parks, we used to stay at home, look through the window, and imagine the cherry blossom... I joined him with delight.""C'est par la barbaque, la seule barque,qu'on connait "le"qu'on ne sait pas."
- Antonin Artaud